Uncle Scrooge
Mystery of the Ghost Town Railroad

Story code
W US 56-02
Mystery of the Ghost Town Railroad
Uncle Scrooge
4 rows per page
Copperhead McViper (1st), Cyanide Charlie (1st), Ducky Bird (1st), Hardrock Joe (1st), Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Katie Mallard (1st), Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Carl Barks
Art (pencil and ink)
Carl Barks
Date of first publication
Date the story was created
External link
Carl Barks guidebook
Referred to in
cover: BC TP 433, HC BV 116, HC OD 21, W US 56-00, XFC AAL2022-25
article: Qde/CSL 44B, Qdk/CBSV 26P, Qdk/DRSV 3J, Qdk/DRSV 3K, Qdk/DRSV 3M, Qdk/GB 8, Qfi/ALJK2011B, Qfi/CBK 18B, Qfi/T2018TRI, Qfi/T2018TRT, Qfr/TP 43A, Qgr/KX 49A, Qgr/KX 287D, Qit/CTS 17K, Qit/DPCS 9L, Qit/DPCS 30I, Qit/DPCS 30J, Qit/DPCS 30K, Qit/TD 9G, Qit/TD 9O, Qit/TES 4C, Qit/TSI 1F, Qit/UACK 19Cb, Qit/UACK 19F, Qnl/HLVOD 1D, Qnl/HLVOD 1K, Qno/GB 8, Qus/DD 279C
illustration: ARC US 300A, D 22798, IC BIG 3AQ, Qno/DD2009-16A, W US 56-01
various: Qdk/CBSV 26SK4 (sketch), Qit/SPD 104G (article,imagine), Qgr/KX 181ac (1st page), D 2013-078 (Men of Mettle) (Goldopolis), D/D 2005-035 (Scrooge vs. Scrooge!) (McVipers)

This story is rated 7.4/10 and ranked 271/44783 according to COA users. There have been about 95 votes for this story.

enUS returns to Goldopolis and finds ghosts in an old hotel
frPicsou veut vendre ses actions du chemin de fer d’Orocity. Pour les retrouver, il retourne dans la petite ville où il retrouve ses anciens amis à qui on a volé leurs actions. Picsou et les neveux s’installent dans l’ancien hôtel peuplé de corbeaux et de fantômes… (by eprou, history)
elΟ Θείος Σκρουτζ πηγαίνει στο ξενοδοχείο της Χρυσόπολης για να βρει ένα πιστοποιητικό μετοχών. (by figolfin, history)
United States, US 56
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United States, US 56
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Italy, TL 522
Brazil, TP 8
Mexico, HWD 320
France, JM 722
Chile, TR 27
France, GB 2
United States, US 122
Greece, MIK 115
Spain, JP 37
Germany, TGDD 70
Yugoslavia, MZC 468
Yugoslavia, MZS 468
Greece, MIK 236
Germany, TGDDZ 70
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