Donald Duck
Gladstone Returns

Story code
W WDC 95-02
Gladstone Returns
Donald Duck
4 rows per page
Daisy Duck, Donald Duck, Gladstone Gander, Huey Dewey and Louie [show character portraits]
Carl Barks
Art (pencil and ink)
Carl Barks
Date of first publication
Date the story was created
External link
Carl Barks guidebook
Referred to in
cover: BC PD 1592, XBC MM 23
article: Qde/ETDD 1A, Qfi/AAPA2004K, Qfi/ANK 4B, Qfi/T2018JHG, Qfi/T2018JHH, Qfi/T2018TRI, Qit/CBCA 13C, Qit/CTS 1M, Qit/DPCS 39I, Qit/DPCS 41C, Qit/GCDN 97B, Qno/KVAKK05-06I, Qus/CBDL 6A
header: FC JM 1436E, XBC MM 23B
various: Qgr/KX 92BA (panel 1.4), XFC AL1998 (panel 1.7), Qit/DPCS 39OI (panel 3.3)

This story is rated 7.4/10 and ranked 306/44783 according to COA users. There have been about 85 votes for this story.

enFund-raising race
fiRikas mies jos oisin
frDonald et Gontran doivent trouver cinq dollars pour le club de Daisy mais Donald n'arrive pas à dérober l'argent de ses neveux (by duckstories, history)
deDD und GL wollen 10 Taler für DA besorgen, arbeiten aber mit faulen Tricks und letztendlich haben HDL das Geld (by Schlehenduck, history)
itPaperino e Gastone si vantano di essere ricchi, ma alla fine a Paperina servono 5 dollari e nessuno ce li ha. (by simonis mc duck, history)
plDonald i Goguś przechwalają się między sobą o stopnie własnych bogactw. W rzeczywistości nie posiadają grosza przy duszy i zebranie po 5 dolarów dla Daisy na cele charytatywne, staje się nie lada problemem. (by tolio, history)
United States, WDC 95
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Spain, DB1 43
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Italy, TL 1
Spain, DB1 43
Belgium, MM 23
Argentina, GH 103
Germany, MM1951-01
Netherlands, DD1952-02
Italy, AO 55013
Germany, TGDD 10
Mexico, HWD 388
Greece, MIK 49
Yugoslavia, MZC 39
France, JM 1436
Germany, G 1980-10
Brazil, PD 1592
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