Donald Duck
Gladstone's Usual Very Good Year

Story code
W WDC 136-02
Gladstone's Usual Very Good Year
Donald Duck
4 rows per page
Holsworthy Hog, Daisy Duck, Donald Duck, Gladstone Gander, Huey Dewey and Louie, The Junior Woodchucks [show character portraits]
Carl Barks
Art (pencil and ink)
Carl Barks
Date of first publication
Date the story was created
External link
Carl Barks guidebook
Referred to in
cover: IC TAS 186, IC TSB 8
article: Qfi/ALP 4L, Qfi/ALP 7B, Qfi/ALP 35C, Qfi/CBJ 2B, Qfi/CBK 8B, Qfi/T2018TRG, Qfi/T2018TRR, Qfi/T2018TRT, Qit/CBCA 14N, Qit/DPCS 4E, Qit/PM 234c, Qus/CBDL 11A, Qus/CBDL 13A
various: FC JM 354B (re-used art), FC PM 313 (re-inked), Qgr/KX 121DA (panel 3)

This story is rated 7.3/10 and ranked 504/44783 according to COA users. There have been about 55 votes for this story.

Entry edited by: HF (Jan 28, 2019)

enDD tries to cheat all turkey raffles to beat GL
daHøjben vinder tre kalkuner
frDonald pense gagner une dinde à la loterie en achetant tous les billets, mais Gontran a le dernier billet restant (by duckstories, history)
frDonald a acheté tous les billets d'une loterie, sauf un, dont le gros lot est une dinde. Gontran est le possesseur du dernier billet et, bien entendu, remporte la dinde. Et voilà que les concours s'enchaînent et que Gontran remporte dinde sur dinde à la barbe de Donald.
deDD versucht Gustavs Glück irgendwie zu übertrumpfen, hat jedoch keinerlei Erfolg.
elΟ Ντόναλντ προσπαθεί να κερδίσει μια γαλοπούλα σε μια κλήρωση εναντίον του Γκαστόνε
noAnton vinner tre kalkuner
esDD desafía a GL en las rifas navideñas
United States, WDC 136
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United States, WDC 136
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Mexico, HWD 32
Germany, MM1952-12
Netherlands, DD1953-52
France, JM 342
Germany, TGDD 11
Spain, DB2 59
United States, WDC 388
Mexico, DIS 7
France, MPO 10
Brazil, PD 1256
Greece, MIK 101
Yugoslavia, MZC 152
Chile, DIS 694
Egypt, MG 11
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