Donald Duck
Rants About Ants

The Axe-Toothed Ant Invasion
Story code
W WDC 170-03
Rants About Ants
Donald Duck
4 rows per page
Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie [show character portraits]
Carl Barks
Art (pencil and ink)
Carl Barks
Date of first publication
Date the story was created
External link
Carl Barks guidebook
Referred to in
cover: FC JM 1705, XBC MM 251
article: Qde/BXS 3C, Qit/DPCS 8K, Qus/CBDL 15A, Qus/CBPG 7G
header: FC JM 1705B, XBC MM 251A
various: Qfi/AA2020-41D (reminder), XFC PS1989-36 (cover; art from page 8 panel 3)

This story is rated 7.2/10 and ranked 802/44783 according to COA users. There have been about 55 votes for this story.

enHDL bring ants nest home
nlDe neefjes nemen een mierennest mee naar huis. (by snowmansion, history)
fiargentiinalaiset muurahaiset
frDonald demande à ses neveux d'observer des termites et notamment leur capacité à ne jamais arrêter de travailler, mais pour lui faire une surprise après leur retour de chez Grand-mère Donald, ils ramènent une termitière à la maison (by duckstories, history)
frTermites dévastateurs
deAmeisenplage im Hause der Ducks
itDD rompe il formicaio acquistato da HDL andati in vacanza e le formiche distruggono casa
noguttene tar med seg en del av en maurtue hjem
plSiostrzeńcy kupują hodowlę mrówek. W krótkim czasie wyjeżdżają do Babci Kaczki i nie mówią o zakupie Donaldowi. Mrówki zaczynają uprzykrzać kaczorowi życie, pożerając meble. Rozpoczyna się wojna. (by vicar, history)
United States, WDC 170
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United States, WDC 170
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Italy, TL 113
France, JM 165
Belgium, MM 251
Mexico, HWD 71
Spain, DB1 195
Netherlands, DD1955-53
Italy, AR 397
Chile, DIS 8
Germany, TGDD 13
United States, WDCD 29
United States, WDC 472
Sweden, KAB 15
Yugoslavia, MZS 479
France, JM 1705
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