Donald Duck
Northeaster on Cape Quack

Story code
W WDC 256-01
Northeaster on Cape Quack
Donald Duck
4 rows per page
Argus McSwine, Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie [show character portraits]
Carl Barks
Art (pencil and ink)
Carl Barks
Date of first publication
Date the story was created
External link
Carl Barks guidebook
Referred to in
article: Qde/RFENT 1E, Qde/RFENT 1O, Qdk/DDFR 3L, Qfi/ALP 22F, Qgr/KXB 18F, Qit/DPCS 24N, Qit/LGP 15B, Qit/UACK 16D
various: HC BV 73 (cover), B RJC 034 (Tempestade em Cabo Quac) (remake), I TL 2675-1 (Paperinik e il tesoro di Dolly Paprika) (quote), I TL 3479-1P (Paperinik e la torre d'oro) (lighthouse)

This story is rated 7.1/10 and ranked 1136/44783 according to COA users. There have been about 30 votes for this story.

enthe ducks light up the night!
frN'en déplaise à un promoteur cupide qui décide de le saboter, Donald explique à ses neveux que le phare du cap Couac est toujours utile, tandis que le gardien du phare leur apprend qu'une grosse tempête se prépare et qu'ils doivent l'aider (by duckstories, history)
deDie Ducks vertreten am Kap Quack [Cape Quack] den Leuchtturmwärter Ladebur [Mr. Gales], als sich eine gewaltige Sturmflut erhebt. Ein Grundstücksspekulant sabotiert die Stromversorgung, doch die Ducks können mit Öllaternen das Leuchtfeuer wieder entzünden und retten so die »Goliath« [Dauntless], die den Entenhausener Weihnachtsbaum an Bord hat. (by abccba, history)
United States, WDC 256
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Spain, DB1 432
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Spain, DB1 432
Italy, AT 72
Mexico, CWD 285
France, JM 602
Netherlands, DD1966-51
United States, WDC 424
Denmark, AA1976-48
Australia, WDC 363
Greece, MIK 113
Yugoslavia, MZC 128
Brazil, PD 1412
Chile, DIS 761
Italy, SAP 16
France, GB 15
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