List of appearances with comment: !

List of appearance comments
Found 14 stories with appearance comment !.

a ratW MOC 4-03 (1947)it/UACK 31dba, us/MOC 4-03
Morty and FerdieThe patrol-Leader Pup (W WDC 154-03, 1953)au/OS 60d, au/WEE2 C3b, be/ALMM 15jp15, be/AMMN 15jp15, be/MM 373p15, be/MMN 373p15, br/MK 37c, cl/DIS 280c, es/DB1 157e, es/PD2 111g, fr/ALJM 93bp010, fr/JM 1493p010, gr/GX 90p19, it/TLN2 78af, mx/HWD 55d, nl/DD1954-46c, nl/DDF1954 2vc, tr/ARS 2d, us/WDC 154-03, yu/MZC 154g
Clarabelle CowH 66w03 (1966)nl/DD1966-03d
Itsy-BetsyTriple-Sitter Trouble (W WDC 346-03, 1969)se/KJK 1970m
QuackmoreZio Paperone e lo scompenso della Terra (I TL 821-A, 1971)it/CD 286g
Glittering GoldieThe Old Lady (D 4865, 1980)nl/DD1999-37h, nl/DDAS 33m
Dutch medicine manRegendans (H 81015, 1981)nl/DD1981-42c
Fethry DuckDe Duckles (HC DD1983-45P, 1983)nl/DD1983-45d
Gus GoosePlatteland (H 86072, 1986)nl/MM1986-07f
Mickey Mousein bezems (H 90087, 1991)fr/PM 399p113, nl/DD1991-19i, nl/VIJFT 5br
Donald DuckHC DT 28 (1994)nl/DT 28a
Bucky BugAugustus - Groetjes uit pff... Duckstad (HC DD1997-32K, 1997)dk/AA2022-34g, nl/BOOM10a, nl/DD1997-32f, nl/DD2015X02l, no/DD2015B02l, no/DD2022-34g, rs/MM2022-09h, se/KA2022-33-34r
Captain RamrodD 9423 (1997)yu/MZC1103e
MaxGeeft les Koken (H 23013, 2003)be/DK1 23f, be/DK2 28d, nl/DD2003-10e, nl/DD2007X26d, nl/EDS2018-02d, us/MM 329Ac, us/MM 329Bbc, us/MM 329Cbc, us/MM 329Dbc, us/MMPP 4e, us/MMTP 7f, us/MMTT 3p279

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