List of appearances with comment: puzzle

List of appearance comments
Found 32 stories with appearance comment puzzle.

PlutoTag-a-long (W DDFB 1-06K, 1953)se/KLS 1958ca
Mickey Mouse70 ans seulement! (FC JMS 2730, 2004)fr/JMS 2730a
Mickey MouseFC MJ 124 (2005)fr/MJ 124a
Santa ClausHC DD2010-52 (2010)fi/AA2013-50a, fi/AAJR2017-12a, nl/DD2010-52a
RabbitD PRE 37575 (2013)fi/NP2013-07p
Donald DuckHC DD2013-47 (2013)fi/AA2015-49a
Billy Goatse/KSL1983ja
Bongose/KJK 1972eb
The Big Bad Wolfse/FEST1993hc, se/VKA1980hc, se/VKA1983fb
Daisy Duckse/KUL1988ka, se/VKA1983ea
Donald Duckse/FEST1993fa
Dopeyno/SH1981-2j, se/VKA1981ga
Dumbose/KSL1972ha, se/KSL1980ga
Mrs. Jumbose/KSL1972ha
Fiddler Pigse/KSL1973ea, se/KSL1981eb
Fifer Pigse/KSL1973ea, se/KSL1981eb
Gladstone Ganderse/VKA1978gb
Goofyno/SH1985-2s, se/KSL1985ic
Gus Gooseno/SH1982-2s, se/VKA1982ka
Huey Dewey and Louiese/FEST1993fa
Li'l Bad Wolfse/VKA1983fb
Magica De Spellse/VKA1978ga
Morty and Ferdiese/KSL1972kb
Mad Madam Mimse/KJK 1970ec, se/VKA1978mc
Mickey Mousese/KJK 1970kc, se/KJK 1973fb
Peg-Leg Petese/KSL1971nb
Plutose/VKA1975ka, se/VKA1978ib, se/VKA1980ia
Practical Pigse/KSL1973ea, se/KSL1981eb
Uncle Scroogese/KSL1972eb

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