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Found 144 character names in language Spanish.

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  Abril Mayo y Junio (April May and June)
Daisy's nieces
  Abuela Pato (Grandma Duck)
  Abuelo Apandador (Grandpa Beagle)
  Anacleto Metralla (Anacleto Mitraglia)
both the Chierchini and Carpi interpretations of DD's neighbour
  Átomo Bip-Bip (Atomino Bip-Bip)
  Aventureros del aire (Talespin)
This is a group of characters, often used as a logo in the stories.
  Basil (Basil of Baker Street)
  Bautista (Battista)
curly-haired butler of US
  Beckett (The Aracuan bird)
the Aracuan bird from "The Three Caballeros" movie, a weird bird with long narrow beak, very consistent on B-coded stories (Foliao)
  Belzebú (Beelzebub)
Witch Hazel's broom
  Berto (Joca)
Brazilian, bird-beak, owner of a snack bar where the Teens use to meet
  Bip-Bip (Eega Beeva)
The Man of tomorrow with hands as fist gloves and short black trousers
  Blancanieves (Snow White)
  Bolívar (Bolivar)
DD's St. Bernard dog
  Brigitte (Brigitta MacBridge)
female duck courting US
  Bruja Avellana (Witch Hazel)
short witch with black clothes and a huge hat
  Campanilla (Tinker Bell)
  Capitán Garfio (Captain Hook)
Pirate Captain with hook as hand in Peter Pan
  Cara de rata (Ratface)
MDS's raven
of Chip 'n' Dale, the one with black nose and teeth in the middle
  Chip y Chop (Chip 'n' Dale)
Chipmunks; can be mentioned separately, e.g. on a cover
This is a group of characters, often used as a logo in the stories.
  Chip y Chop Los Guardianes Rescatadores (Chip 'n' Dale Rescue Rangers)
This is a group of characters, often used as a logo in the stories.
  Chop (Dale)
of Chip 'n' Dale, the one with big nose and right and left tooth
  Cirílez (Detective Casey)
Assistant of OH
  Clarabella (Clarabelle Cow)
  Club de los Héroes (Clube dos Herois)
Brazilian, "Hero's Club" reunion of all Disney superheroes: Red Wasp, Super Goof, Super Gilly, Morcego Vermelho, Borboleta Purpura, Paperinik, Superpata, Morcego Verde, and O'Hara (as himself)
This is a group of characters, often used as a logo in the stories.
  Daisy (Daisy Duck)
  Doblón McPato (Pap Mc Paper)
Scrooge's ancestor
  Donald (Donald Duck)
Donald Fauntleroy Duck
  Donald y Daisy (Donald and Daisy)
also Daisy and Donald
This is a group of characters, often used as a logo in the stories.
  Donald y los sobrinos (Donald and the nephews)
This is a group of characters, often used as a logo in the stories.
  Donald y Patoso (Donald and Fethry)
This is a group of characters, often used as a logo in the stories.
  Donald y Tío Gilito (Donald and Scrooge)
This is a group of characters, often used as a logo in the stories.
  Dorita Doremi (Glittering Goldie)
  Dos de los sobrinos de Donald (Two of Donald's nephews)
This is a group of characters, often used as a logo in the stories.
  El diario de Daisy (Daisy Duck's Diary)
This is a group of characters, often used as a logo in the stories.
  El Libro de la Selva (Jungle Book)
This is a group of characters, often used as a logo in the stories.
  El Vagabundo (The Tramp)
Male stray dog adopted by Jim Dear and Darling in the L+T movie
  Emilio Aguila (Emil Eagle)
Evil inventor, foe of SG and GY. Also often opponent of MM in Murry/Tello stories, and US.
PK's predecessor
  Fiel (Old Trusty)
The old retired police dog in the Lady and the Tramp movie; bloodhound
  Flip (Pflip)
Eega Beeva's pet
  Frank Guijarro (Hotneige)
French, a detective
  Gancho (Ellsworth)
  Gilberto (Gilbert)
Goofy's smart nephew
  Gilberto Oro (Flintheart Glomgold)
Scrooge's rival
  Golfillo (Scamp)
Son of Lady and the Tramp; resembles a young Tramp
  Gran Mogol (Grand Mogul)
JW Chief, only the duck one from CB/TS/KWr stories
  Grillo (Wart)
young Arthur

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