Donald Duck
You Can't Guess

You Can't Guess!
Story code
W CP 2-01
You Can't Guess
Donald Duck
4 rows per page
Daisy Duck, Donald Duck, Gladstone Gander, Grandma Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Carl Barks
Art (pencil and ink)
Carl Barks
Date of first publication
Date the story was created
External link
Carl Barks guidebook
Referred to in
cover: ARC LICD 11C, BC MK 51, HC BV 41, IC AR 111, IC ZP 51, Xes/DME 1
article: Qdk/DDFR 2E, Qfi/ALP 35C, Qfi/T2020TRD, Qgr/KX 151C, Qit/CBCA 13C, Qit/CBCA 13E, Qit/CTS 16C, Qit/DAO 19C, Qit/DCOLL16C, Qit/DPCS 2F, Qit/GSD 22M, Qit/M313 0C, Qit/M313 55B, Qit/TL 2090c, Qit/ZP 169C, Qus/CBDL 9A, Qus/CBDL 19A
panel: HC DD2010-13D, Qno/DMOB 1A
various: Qno/DMOB 1D (unknown), FC PM 335D (illustration), W CP 2-01A (game), W CP 2-00A (fragment), D 2021-093 (A Life in Panels) (meccano horse)

This story is rated 7.7/10 and ranked 128/43752 according to COA users. There have been about 120 votes for this story.

enChristmas is approaching, and the nephews are extremely interested by a construction kit of giant size. They ask their uncle Donald, and Donald is OK to buy them a kit, at one condition: that they find what he wants for Christmas. The nephews think of every conceivable present for Donald, and make a long list of everything they can think of, but don't find what Donald's secret wish is. They ask the whole Duck family to help them, but to no avail. Donald decides to buy them a kit in any case, and the uncles, cousins, grandma and relative also do so separately. They also decide to buy Donalds's secret wish independantly, a car! The nephews and Donald end up with multiple copies of their birthday presents. (by 210...140, history)
enEverybody gives construction kits as present to HDL
fiAku tekee pojille pulman: heidän pitäisi arvata, mitä Aku-setä toivoo lahjaksi, muuten eivät pojat saisi ollenkaan lelukaivuriaan. Pojat yrittävät saada sukulaisilta neuvoa lahjasta, mutta turhaan. Sukulaiset ostavat Akun ilkeyden vuoksi kaikki pojille lelunsa, ja Akulle upouudet autot. (by Miksu, history)
frRiri Fifi et Loulou regrettent d'avoir demandé au Père Noël de ne rien leur offrir cette année quand ils voient un superbe jeu de construction en vitrine, mais leur oncle Donald n'accepte de le leur offrir que s'ils découvrent de quoi il aurait lui même envie (by duckstories, history)
deUm einen Metallbaukasten zu erhalten, müssen Tick, Trick und Track erraten was sich Donald zu Weihnachten wünscht. Dazu beziehen sie einige Verwandte mit ein. (by TSetznagel, history)
plSiostrzeńcy wysyłają list do Św. Mikołaja i piszą, że nie chcą prezentów. Chwilę później zauważają zabawkę, którą chcieliby mieć. Proszą Donalda (który ma kłopoty z samochodem) o zakup - ten jednak stawia warunek: muszą zgadnąć, co on chce dostać na święta. Proszą całą rodzinę o pomoc, lecz nikt nie potrafi im pomóc. Wszyscy kupują chłopcom zabawki, bo myślą, że nigdy nie uda im się rozwiązać zagadki.Siostrzeńcy dowiadują się, co chce dostać Donald... (by mikolaj_lodz, history)
United States, CP 2
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Brazil, MK 51
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Spain, DBA1951-01
France, BH 36
Chile, DIS 271
Spain, DB2 28
United States, CPGK 6
Yugoslavia, MIKIR113
Mexico, DIS 7
Italy, SA 4
Denmark, KL1977-04
Netherlands, BV 41
Spain, DME 1
France, GB 15
Italy, PM 114
Greece, KX 19
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