Donald Duck
Boat Buster

Story code
W WDC 255-01
Boat Buster
Donald Duck
4 rows per page
Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, John D. Rockerduck (1st), Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Carl Barks
Art (pencil and ink)
Carl Barks
Date of first publication
Date the story was created
External link
Carl Barks guidebook
Referred to in
article: Qde/CSL 44B, Qdk/CBSV 23E, Qdk/DDFR 32I, Qdk/DRSV 3M, Qfr/PS 6I, Qit/BURF 14d, Qit/CBCA 14C, Qit/CFR 4C, Qit/CTS 25K, Qit/CTS 25L, Qit/DAO 24D, Qit/DCOLL 4D, Qit/DCOLL37B, Qit/DCOLL37C, Qit/DPCS 1B, Qit/DPCS 12A, Qit/DPCS 16N, Qit/DPCS 24L, Qit/DSTO 38B, Qit/DSTO 41C, Qit/DT 48C, Qit/GSD 11D, Qit/GSD 11E, Qit/GSD 14R, Qit/GSD 17K, Qit/GSD 25A, Qit/IDI 1E, Qit/ILPA 8B, Qit/ILPA 16B, Qit/MD 14F, Qit/MD 31I, Qit/TD 9H, Qit/ZP 147c, Qnl/HLVOD 1D
various: IC ZP 62 (cover), Qgr/KX 272B (1st panel), B ED 17-T1 (art), Qgr/KX 256AAB (panel 1.2), GC DHH 10 (extract from page 1 panel 2)

This story is rated 7.3/10 and ranked 579/43673 according to COA users. There have been about 40 votes for this story.

enMotorboat race for the best fuel
fiAku saa ohjastaa Roope-sedän bensiiniä käyttävää kilpavenettä kilpailussa Kroisos Pennosen venettä ja monien muidenkin veneitä vastaan - kilpailussa Aku törmäilee sulkupatoon, sekä ajaa kilometrien matkan hiekkakannasta pitkin
frSur la jetée, Picsou se dispute avec un de ses concurrents, Flairsou, qui prétend fabriquer une meilleure essence que lui, alors il le défie à l'occasion d'une course, mais c'est Donald qui pilotera son bateau (by duckstories, history)
deUS und RKD treffen erstmals aufeinander und wetten um das bessere Benzin. (by Donald296, history)
noSkrue utfordrer Rikerud til et båtrace (by donald.totusen, history)
ptA história que apresentou o Patacôncio aos leitores de quadrinhos Disney mostra uma corrida de barcos a motor entre ele e Patinhas, onde ficará decidido quem é dono do melhor combustível. (by Chabacano, history)
Spain, DB1 407
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Italy, AT 65
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
United States, WDC 255
Italy, AT 65
France, JM 529
Netherlands, DD1962-35
Brazil, PD 566
Mexico, HWD 237
Germany, MM1963-04
Chile, DIS 484
Germany, TGDD 33
United States, WDC 403
Australia, WDC 341
Italy, SA 13
Germany, MM1986-49
United States, US 236
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