Search results (4 items)

    story     cover, illustration     gag     Non-Disney and/or non-comics

Code Title Number of pages Creators Publications Characters, comments
La grande corsa contro il tempo
144 p.
3 rows per page
Bruno Enna
Alessandro Perina, Giampaolo Soldati, Paolo De Lorenzi
First published
Dolly Paprika, Mad Ducktor, Cornelius Coot (statue), Daisy Duck, Donald Duck, Duck Avenger, Fantomallard, Fethry Duck, Gladstone Gander, Gyro Gearloose, Gyro's Helper, Huey Dewey and Louie, Jeeves, John D. Rockerduck, Ludwig Von Drake, Magica De Spell, Quackmore, Ratface, The Beagle Boys, Uncle Scrooge
Language code Description
en A time controlling midget steals US's dime and makes him participate in a rally against his opponents, and with the help of his friends and family, in order to take it back.
I TL 3111-1 (part of I TL 3110-1P)
La grande corsa contro il tempo
36 p.
3 rows per page
part 2
Bruno Enna
Paolo De Lorenzi
First published
Dolly Paprika, Mad Ducktor, Cornelius Coot (statue), Daisy Duck, Donald Duck, Fantomallard, Fethry Duck, Gladstone Gander, Gyro Gearloose, Huey Dewey and Louie, Jeeves, John D. Rockerduck, Ludwig Von Drake, Magica De Spell, Ratface, The Beagle Boys, Uncle Scrooge
Language code Description
en A time controlling midget steals US's dime and makes him participate in a rally against his opponents, and with the help of his friends and family, in order to take it back.
La sfida di Fantomius
30 p.
3 rows per page
Marco Gervasio
Marco Gervasio
First published
Commissario Pinko, Copernico Pitagorico, Dolly Papera, Dolly Paprika, Don Jollio (statua), Dottor Duckson, Dottor Fu Man Etchù (statua), Gong (statua), Hercule Paperot, Lady Senape (statua), Lord Quackett, Lucrezia, Paper Holmes, Blackheart Beagle (statua), Cornelius Coot (statua), Dr. Vulter (statua), Eli Squinch (statua), Fantomallard
Le strabilianti imprese di Fantômius ladro gentiluomo, Fantômius
4 p.
Andrea Freccero
First published
Mister Vertigo, Ray from Area 15, Yor, Atomo Bleep-Bleep, Brigitta MacBridge, Chief O'Hara, Chip, Clarabelle Cow, Cornelius Coot, Daisy Duck, Dale, Donald Duck, Eega Beeva, Ellsworth, Fantomallard, Fethry Duck, Gladstone Gander, Glittering Goldie, Goofy, Grandma Duck, Gus Goose, Gyro Gearloose, Gyro's Helper, Horace Horsecollar, Huey Dewey and Louie (2), Ludwig Von Drake, Magica De Spell, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Morty and Ferdie, Newton, Peg-Leg Pete, Pflip, Pluto, Queen Reginella, Tabby, The Beagle Boys (1), The Junior Woodchucks (1), The Phantom Blot, Uncle Scrooge

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