Uncle Scrooge
Back to the Klondike

Story code
W OS 456-02
Back to the Klondike
Uncle Scrooge
4 rows per page
Blackjack (1st), Donald Duck, Glittering Goldie (1st), Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Carl Barks
Art (pencil and ink)
Carl Barks
Date of first publication
Date the story was created
External link
Carl Barks guidebook
Referred to in
cover: ARC LICU 2, BC MK 39, D 25742, FC VSM 8, FC VSM 8A, HC BV 112, HC OD 2, IC OM 1295, IC PDO 6, W OS 456-00, XBC MM 191, XFC AAL2022-17, XFC AAPP1953
article: Qde/BXS 3B, Qde/BXS 3C, Qde/BXS 3C, Qde/BXS 3C, Qde/BXS 3M, Qde/CSL 44B, Qde/DRSB 1B, Qdk/CBSV 11C, Qfi/AA2019-32A, Qfi/ALP 4G, Qfi/ALP 9E, Qfi/ALP 20C, Qfi/ANLE 1G, Qfi/DAM2007M, Qfi/DR 2003B, Qfi/RS2000-02B, Qfi/RS2002-02B, Qfi/RSPA2007C, Qfi/RSPA2007D, Qfi/SI1976-01B, Qfi/SI1979-04E, Qfi/SI1980-03B, Qfi/SI1981-01C, Qfi/SI1985-03G, Qfi/T1994MEED, Qfi/T2007HPO, Qfi/T2011PKG, Qfi/T2014KKE, Qfi/T2018TRH, Qfi/T2018TRI, Qfi/T2018TRM, Qfi/T2018TRP, Qfi/T2021TRJ, Qfi/T2021TRU, Qfi/ZKL 0E, Qfr/CBD 84b, Qfr/PM 425, Qfr/PMHS C1D, Qfr/TP 17A, Qgr/BA 150A, Qgr/KX 96B, Qgr/KX 99B, Qgr/KX 120B, Qgr/KX 214C, Qgr/KX 260C, Qgr/KX 284D, Qgr/KX 287D, Qgr/KX 290C, Qgr/KX 299E, Qgr/KXB 33B, Qgr/TAX2 05A, Qit/ATP 3E, Qit/CCD 2F, Qit/CTS 9D, Qit/CTS 14C, Qit/CTS 16C, Qit/CTS 18G, Qit/DAO 9C, Qit/DAO 23A, Qit/DCOLL 4B, Qit/DCOLL45E, Qit/DPCS 4A, Qit/DPCS 6A, Qit/DPCS 6C, Qit/DPCS 15P, Qit/DPCS 26A, Qit/DSTO 37C, Qit/DT 48C, Qit/DT 48H, Qit/GS 10A, Qit/GSD 2I, Qit/GSD 3A, Qit/GSD 7E, Qit/GSD 10A, Qit/GSD 15I, Qit/GSD 45B, Qit/HC 3C, Qit/IDI 1K, Qit/IDI 1R, Qit/ILPA 13E, Qit/MD 14F, Qit/MD 35D, Qit/PM 176g, Qit/TD 9L, Qit/TD 9M, Qit/TES 4A, Qit/TES 4B, Qit/TES 4D, Qit/TL 2747B, Qit/TLAI 3B, Qit/TSI 1K, Qit/TSI 2G, Qit/UACK 1B, Qit/UACK 1C, Qit/UACK 13Db, Qit/ZP 156B, Qit/ZP 193B, Qit/ZPP 50E, Qit/ZPP 51C, Qit/ZPP 54D, Qnl/HLVOD 1H, Qnl/HLVOD 1I, Qnl/HLVOD 2C, Qno/DD1993B43, Qno/DD2002B49, Qno/DRSV 1V, Qno/DRSV 1X, Qus/CBCO 7D, Qus/CBDL 12A, Qus/CBDL 13A, Qus/CBDL 18A, Qus/CBDL 20A, Qus/CBDL 24A, Qus/CBDL 26A, Qus/DRL 1B, Qus/DRL 7C, Qus/USCA 1DB, Qus/USCA 1GA
sequel: AR 113 (Last Sled to Dawson), AR 145 (His Majesty, McDuck), D 5199 (Pipe Dreams)
illustration: ARC LICU 2C, ARC US 300A, ARC US 300B, D 22794, D 22796, IC DCB 1H, Qdk/GB 18B, XFC RS2002-02B
painting: CB OIL 68, CB OIL 105, CB OIL 109, CB OIL 134
panel: GC BOD 1, Qdk/DRSV 9N, Qit/EC 36D, Qno/DD2012B28A, XUC CBDL 12B
article, image: Qit/ZPP 55C, Qit/ZPP 62C
various: Qit/DSBP 38D (unknown), Qus/DRL 9B (panels), Qit/PM 248c (quiz), I TL 2195-5 (Zio Paperone e le grandi conquiste) (flashback), B ALBD 5-FP (art re-used), B ECD 2-I3 (intro), CZ OS 456 (lost material), B ED 13-T1 (art), Qdk/AA2022B27B (illustration,article), Qit/DSBP 21H (intro, single panels as illustrations), IC GRG 10D (4 panels), XFC AA2022X43B (theme), CS OS 456 (De censurerede sider) (cut pages), I TL 1919-C (The Man Who Drew Ducks) (memory), I PKNA 13-1 (La notte più buia) (page 36th), I TL 3194-3 (A Tale of Two Biddies) (extended version, reproduces panels on 15th & 16th page), I TL 3292-2 (Zio Paperone e il ricordo di un giorno) (Goldie), D 19694 (page 7 panel 5), D 19696 (page 24 panel 8), D/D 2005-035 (Scrooge vs. Scrooge!) (memory capsules), CS OS 456A (Back to the Klondike) (panel cut from page 16), FC MDC 29A (panel6 p.24 used as reference material), ARC CBL 3KA (map of scenery), ARC GCA 4B (Back to the Klondike) (4 re-created panels), XUC USCA 1B (four re-created panel sketches)
adaptation: Back to the Klondike (QMT DT 58)

This is a top 10-story.This story is rated 8.8/10 and ranked 2/43673 according to COA users. There have been about 535 votes for this story.

enBad memory US goes back to Klondike, meets old passion again
nlDagobert Duck gaat gehaast terug naar Klondike. (by Disno, history)
fiRoope palaa Klondikeen hakemaan vanhoja velkoja Kultu Kimallukselta ja törmää siellä niin hyttysiin kuin karhuunkin. (by Miksu, history)
frFrappé d'amnésie, Picsou se rend chez le docteur pour qu'il lui administre un traitement. Sous l'effet de la drogue lui remontent des souvenirs qu'il avait oubliés à jamais. En particulier qu'une ancienne chanteuse de saloon, à l'époque de la ruée vers l'or, lui devait, et lui doit toujours, une forte somme d'argent. Accompagnés de ses neveux, ils affrontent les rigueurs du Klondike pour retrouver la vieille dame. Picsou se révèle avoir plus de cœur qu'on ne croit.
deOnkel Dagobert trifft seine Jugendliebe Nelly in Klondike. (by DonHergeFan, history)
huAmnéziában szenvedő Dagobert Donald sürgetésére orvoshoz megy. Ott, miután az orvos bevette a tablettákat, eszébe jut régi szerelme, az Csillám Aranyká , aki egyszer megtévesztette. Most Dagobert unokaöccseivel a fagyos Klondike-hoz megy igazságot keresni. (by Pernat, history)
itZio Paperone torna nel klondike e incontra una sua vecchia fiamma. (by davzodavzo, history)
noOnkel Skrue har dårlig hukommelse og må til lege, der får han piller som skal friske opp hukommelsen hans. Skrue husker da at han gravde ned masse gull i Klondike i sin ungdom. Så Skrue og nevøene drar tilbake for å grave opp gullet, Skrue møter igjen sin ungdoms Kjærlighet Gylne Gulda. (by Mikkel Hagen, history)
plCierpiacy na amnezję Sknerus udaje się, za namową Donalda, do lekarza. Tam, po zaaplikowaniu pigułek przez doktora, przypomina sobie o swojej dawnej miłości, Złotce, która kiedyś go oszukała. Teraz Sknerus wraz se swoimi siostrzeńcami wyrusza do mroźnego Klondike, aby dociec sprawiedliwości. (by Pernat, history)
plCierpiacy na amnezję Sknerus udaje się, za namową Donalda, do lekarza. Tam, po zaaplikowaniu pigułek przez doktora, przypomina sobie o swojej dawnej miłości, Złotce, która kiedyś go oszukała. Teraz Sknerus wraz se swoimi siostrzeńcami wyrusza do mroźnego Klondike, aby dociec sprawiedliwości.
ptTio Patinhas retorna para o Klondike, onde foi garimpeiro na juventude e onde conheceu seu grande amor, Dora Cintilante (by Geovane Altair, history)
svNär Joakim von Anka var ung grävde han guld i Klondike. Nu återvänder han med Kalle och Knattarna för att hämta det guld som han begravde och sedan glömde bort. Men på hans mark bor nu Joakims gamla flamma Glittriga Gullan med en tam björn som håller alla inkräktare borta.
United States, OS 456
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United States, OS 456
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Mexico, CWD 53
Belgium, MM 191 part 7
Belgium, MM 192 part 8
Belgium, MM 194 part 10
Belgium, MM 195 part 11
Belgium, MM 196 part 12
Germany, MM1959-52
Denmark, AA1959-52
Denmark, AA1960-01 part 2
Denmark, AA1960-02 part 3
Netherlands, DD1960-11
Netherlands, DD1960-12 part 2
Netherlands, DD1960-13 part 3
Germany, HA19621110
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